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  • ## Intro Vocabulary Text ##

    These lessons are sold only on the website, << EffortlessEnglishClub.com >>. If you are interested in buying the complete course, please check the website. We DO NOT sell or resell this course content, we just publish some interesting stories for english lovers . Thank you.

    Hello, welcome to the vocabulary for the “Introduction to Power” lessons. Let’s start.
    Okay, let’s talk about our first word is linguistic, linguistic. Linguistic means related to
    language or about language. It’s an adjective. So linguistic factors, I mentioned
    linguistic factors. A factor is an element, for example, it’s a piece of something. So
    linguistic factors means elements about language, elements related to language. Or
    even more simply, things, things related to language. And then in this talk I talk about
    non‑linguistic factors. Of course, non‑ means not, it’s negative.
    So non‑linguistic factors means things not about language. Things not related to
    language. So in the talk I’m talking about, for example, two different things. One are
    emotional factors, emotional elements, emotional things. And then the other is linguistic
    factors. So, for example, study method, that’s a linguistic factor. It’s connected to
    language learning very directly. It’s a linguistic factor. It’s a language related thing. On
    the other hand emotion is not directly related, is not directly connected to language
    learning. At least most people don’t think so, so it’s a non‑linguistic factor. Alright great,
    so that’s linguistic and factor.
    Let’s talk about next subconscious. I mentioned the word subconscious. Sometimes
    you hear the word unconscious is another synonym for that but subconscious means
    something that is under your normal thinking. So, for example, if you’re quite hungry,
    suddenly you find that you’re hungry but you’re busy, you’re thinking about something
    else. You’re reading a book. But kind of under your thinking you have this idea “I’m
    hungry, I’m hungry, I’m hungry.” It’s not a conscious thought, it’s not a strong direct
    thought. It’s not at the top of your brain. Sub means under or below. So it’s kind of in
    the bottom, the back of your brain, this sort of quiet, small voice, or this quiet, small
    thought. So that’s subconscious.
    So I mention that you want to engage your subconscious. Engage means to use. To
    use, or to, it’s like turn on. So to turn on your subconscious, to use your subconscious,
    to engage your subconscious. It means you want to use those emotions that are in the
    back of your brain or the bottom of your brain. You want to use that quiet voice. You
    want to use those strong emotions that are kind of in the back because they are very

    powerful. So engage your subconscious means use those. It means choose to use
    them in a powerful way.
    I also talk about engaging your physiology, physiology. Physiology means related to the
    body. It’s related to the word physical, alright? Physical means body, something that is
    connected to your body and in your body and not your brain, not your mind, it’s body.
    And physiology again is a similar idea. Physiology means what is happening in your
    body. It’s the systems in your body. It’s the parts of your body. So again, engage your
    physiology means use your body, right? Engage is turn on or use. Physiology, body.
    So engage your physiology, engage your body. Use the parts of your body. Use the
    systems in your body. That’s what that means. Alright, great.
    Next, let’s talk about the word peak. So peak I mentioned in the main story. Peak
    means top. Now, often we use this to describe, for example, a mountain. The very top
    of a mountain we say it’s the peak, the mountain peak, the peak of the mountain. The
    very top part. We also use it in the phrase “peak performance”. Of course performance
    means performing or doing something. Peak means top, so it means doing something
    in a top way, in the very best way. Sometimes we use this with sports, say he is a peak
    performance athlete. He is a top‑performing athlete. He is the very best performing
    athlete. So again that is peak meaning top, very top, or sometimes meaning best.
    Okay so peak meaning top. So emotional state, I talk about peak emotional state. So
    top or best, peak, emotional, of course, feelings, and state. State means kind of your
    situation or experience. So an emotional state means it’s the general emotional feeling
    you have right now. So I might say I’m in an angry emotional state. That means, it’s
    kind of a long‑term idea, it means generally for some time I feel angry. Now this is a
    very formal, kind of academic, or intellectual way to say “I’m angry.” Okay? So this is a
    little bit more formal kind of English. But again, an emotional state, it’s a general
    emotional feeling and it has a little bit of the idea of a long time. So a peak emotional
    state, a top or best emotional state, it means feeling very good for a while. Right, say I
    am in a peak emotional state. I’m feeling very good for some time.
    Okay, now that is the vocabulary lesson for the Introduction to Power. Of course, if
    there are other words you did not understand, you can use the text, use the transcript
    and a dictionary and just find the word in your dictionary and write it on the text and you
    can learn more vocabulary that way. It’s very difficult for me to guess exactly which
    words you know and which words you don’t know, because every student is different.
    So I will cover some of the main words, the words I think are quite important. But if
    there are other words you don’t know, just use the text and a dictionary and write the
    meaning on the text, that’s fine.
    Okay, I will see you next for the mini‑story. Thanks.
    #aj_hoge #effortlessenglish
    ## Intro Vocabulary Text ## These lessons are sold only on the website, << EffortlessEnglishClub.com >>. If you are interested in buying the complete course, please check the website. We DO NOT sell or resell this course content, we just publish some interesting stories for english lovers . Thank you. Hello, welcome to the vocabulary for the “Introduction to Power” lessons. Let’s start. Okay, let’s talk about our first word is linguistic, linguistic. Linguistic means related to language or about language. It’s an adjective. So linguistic factors, I mentioned linguistic factors. A factor is an element, for example, it’s a piece of something. So linguistic factors means elements about language, elements related to language. Or even more simply, things, things related to language. And then in this talk I talk about non‑linguistic factors. Of course, non‑ means not, it’s negative. So non‑linguistic factors means things not about language. Things not related to language. So in the talk I’m talking about, for example, two different things. One are emotional factors, emotional elements, emotional things. And then the other is linguistic factors. So, for example, study method, that’s a linguistic factor. It’s connected to language learning very directly. It’s a linguistic factor. It’s a language related thing. On the other hand emotion is not directly related, is not directly connected to language learning. At least most people don’t think so, so it’s a non‑linguistic factor. Alright great, so that’s linguistic and factor. Let’s talk about next subconscious. I mentioned the word subconscious. Sometimes you hear the word unconscious is another synonym for that but subconscious means something that is under your normal thinking. So, for example, if you’re quite hungry, suddenly you find that you’re hungry but you’re busy, you’re thinking about something else. You’re reading a book. But kind of under your thinking you have this idea “I’m hungry, I’m hungry, I’m hungry.” It’s not a conscious thought, it’s not a strong direct thought. It’s not at the top of your brain. Sub means under or below. So it’s kind of in the bottom, the back of your brain, this sort of quiet, small voice, or this quiet, small thought. So that’s subconscious. So I mention that you want to engage your subconscious. Engage means to use. To use, or to, it’s like turn on. So to turn on your subconscious, to use your subconscious, to engage your subconscious. It means you want to use those emotions that are in the back of your brain or the bottom of your brain. You want to use that quiet voice. You want to use those strong emotions that are kind of in the back because they are very powerful. So engage your subconscious means use those. It means choose to use them in a powerful way. I also talk about engaging your physiology, physiology. Physiology means related to the body. It’s related to the word physical, alright? Physical means body, something that is connected to your body and in your body and not your brain, not your mind, it’s body. And physiology again is a similar idea. Physiology means what is happening in your body. It’s the systems in your body. It’s the parts of your body. So again, engage your physiology means use your body, right? Engage is turn on or use. Physiology, body. So engage your physiology, engage your body. Use the parts of your body. Use the systems in your body. That’s what that means. Alright, great. Next, let’s talk about the word peak. So peak I mentioned in the main story. Peak means top. Now, often we use this to describe, for example, a mountain. The very top of a mountain we say it’s the peak, the mountain peak, the peak of the mountain. The very top part. We also use it in the phrase “peak performance”. Of course performance means performing or doing something. Peak means top, so it means doing something in a top way, in the very best way. Sometimes we use this with sports, say he is a peak performance athlete. He is a top‑performing athlete. He is the very best performing athlete. So again that is peak meaning top, very top, or sometimes meaning best. Okay so peak meaning top. So emotional state, I talk about peak emotional state. So top or best, peak, emotional, of course, feelings, and state. State means kind of your situation or experience. So an emotional state means it’s the general emotional feeling you have right now. So I might say I’m in an angry emotional state. That means, it’s kind of a long‑term idea, it means generally for some time I feel angry. Now this is a very formal, kind of academic, or intellectual way to say “I’m angry.” Okay? So this is a little bit more formal kind of English. But again, an emotional state, it’s a general emotional feeling and it has a little bit of the idea of a long time. So a peak emotional state, a top or best emotional state, it means feeling very good for a while. Right, say I am in a peak emotional state. I’m feeling very good for some time. Okay, now that is the vocabulary lesson for the Introduction to Power. Of course, if there are other words you did not understand, you can use the text, use the transcript and a dictionary and just find the word in your dictionary and write it on the text and you can learn more vocabulary that way. It’s very difficult for me to guess exactly which words you know and which words you don’t know, because every student is different. So I will cover some of the main words, the words I think are quite important. But if there are other words you don’t know, just use the text and a dictionary and write the meaning on the text, that’s fine. Okay, I will see you next for the mini‑story. Thanks. #aj_hoge #effortlessenglish
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  • كتاب "Gut: The Inside Story of Our Body's Most Underrated Organ" (‎ الامعاء كنزك في بطنك ) من تأليف جوليا إندرز، هو بمثابة دراسة مفصلة ومدهشة لجهاز الهضم لدينا. يقدم الكتاب رؤية فريدة حول كيفية عمل الأمعاء، والدور الذي تلعبه في صحتنا الجسدية والعقلية.
    تعمل إندرز، التي هي طبيبة وباحثة في مجال الطب، على تفكيك العديد من المفاهيم الخاطئة حول الجهاز الهضمي، وتقديم أحدث الأبحاث بطريقة ممتعة ومفهومة. تقدم إندرز رؤية جديدة عن كيفية عمل الأمعاء، متناولة كل شيء من البكتيريا الجيدة الموجودة في الأمعاء، والتي تلعب دورًا حيويًا في الصحة، إلى الأمراض الهضمية المختلفة.
    الكتاب يركز على العلاقة المعقدة بين الأمعاء والدماغ، مشيرًا إلى الدور الحاسم الذي تلعبه الأمعاء في كل شيء من المزاج إلى الصحة العقلية. يوضح إندرز كيف يمكن أن تؤثر الأمعاء على كل جانب من جوانب حياتنا، من النوم والرغبة الجنسية، إلى الوزن والشهية.
    يستكشف الكتاب أيضًا كيف يمكن أن يؤدي الغذاء ونمط الحياة إلى تحسين صحة الأمعاء، ويقدم نصائح عملية حول كيفية الحفاظ على صحة الأمعاء وتحسينها. يمكن اعتباره دليلًا شاملاً لفهم جهازنا الهضمي وأهميته لصحتنا العامة ورفاهيتنا.
    في المجمل، "‎الامعاء كنزك في بطنك" هو مزيج مدهش من العلوم والأدب الشعبي، تقدم فيه الكاتبة الدكتورة جوليا إندرز رؤية فريدة وشاملة عن الجهاز الهضمي، والدور الأساسي الذي يلعبه في حياتنا وصحتنا.
    #العلوم #طبية #ملخصات_كتب #ملخص_كتاب #خلاصة #خلاصة_كتاب
    كتاب "Gut: The Inside Story of Our Body's Most Underrated Organ" (‎ الامعاء كنزك في بطنك ) من تأليف جوليا إندرز، هو بمثابة دراسة مفصلة ومدهشة لجهاز الهضم لدينا. يقدم الكتاب رؤية فريدة حول كيفية عمل الأمعاء، والدور الذي تلعبه في صحتنا الجسدية والعقلية. تعمل إندرز، التي هي طبيبة وباحثة في مجال الطب، على تفكيك العديد من المفاهيم الخاطئة حول الجهاز الهضمي، وتقديم أحدث الأبحاث بطريقة ممتعة ومفهومة. تقدم إندرز رؤية جديدة عن كيفية عمل الأمعاء، متناولة كل شيء من البكتيريا الجيدة الموجودة في الأمعاء، والتي تلعب دورًا حيويًا في الصحة، إلى الأمراض الهضمية المختلفة. الكتاب يركز على العلاقة المعقدة بين الأمعاء والدماغ، مشيرًا إلى الدور الحاسم الذي تلعبه الأمعاء في كل شيء من المزاج إلى الصحة العقلية. يوضح إندرز كيف يمكن أن تؤثر الأمعاء على كل جانب من جوانب حياتنا، من النوم والرغبة الجنسية، إلى الوزن والشهية. يستكشف الكتاب أيضًا كيف يمكن أن يؤدي الغذاء ونمط الحياة إلى تحسين صحة الأمعاء، ويقدم نصائح عملية حول كيفية الحفاظ على صحة الأمعاء وتحسينها. يمكن اعتباره دليلًا شاملاً لفهم جهازنا الهضمي وأهميته لصحتنا العامة ورفاهيتنا. في المجمل، "‎الامعاء كنزك في بطنك" هو مزيج مدهش من العلوم والأدب الشعبي، تقدم فيه الكاتبة الدكتورة جوليا إندرز رؤية فريدة وشاملة عن الجهاز الهضمي، والدور الأساسي الذي يلعبه في حياتنا وصحتنا. #العلوم #طبية #ملخصات_كتب #ملخص_كتاب #خلاصة #خلاصة_كتاب
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